Wednesday, September 8, 2010

No Luke Bryan, Rain Isn't Always A Good Thing..

Is anyone else sick and tired of all the rain in Grande Prairie? Jeepers. First we're in a drought, crops can't grow...then it rained, and we hope for a late harvest. ITS EASIER TO HARVEST THE CROPS WHEN ITS NOT RAINING!!! Not to mention, I don't own an umbrella, which I admit is my own fault, so I've been getting fat driving everywhere. Right. That's why I'm getting fat...let's go with that.

Also, I just got a text from my roommate...she WAS going to be moving out to live with her boyfriend. Apparently she loves him, but isn't in-love with him, so she'll be moving back in shortly. Damn. I almost had the apartment to myself. On the plus side, my cat will be happy because he missed his roommate (her cat).


  1. But Kristi, rain makes corn, corn makes bad tasting whisky, and whisky makes my baby feel a little frisky.


  2. So what you're saying is your gf puts out when she's drunk. Got it :D
