Wednesday, September 23, 2009

And Now My Ass Hurts

and my biceps...but not from anything fun. Yesterday, I moved. Well...90% of the way anyway. You see I've gotten myself into an apartment with a couple of roommates. This equals cheap rent.  I officially start living there October 1st, but Roommate 1 was kind enough to let me move my shit in early! So James and I moved 2 and a half carloads of crap up 3 flights of stairs, and into the apartment. In 28-degree weather. Booyashaka. Needless to say, I shoulda worn deoderant. Yeah, I admit it. I was sweaty...oh but think of the calories burnt!

Now kids, if you're going to do heavy lifting of any sort - whether it's furniture, equipment, or a fat chick....always remember to stretch!

*SHUDDER* Sorry folks. So yeah, stretching = important. Although I do feel as if I've taken a spin around the gym. Mind you the lit cigarette in my hand makes me think again.

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Alumni Factor & NPH

Today I received my diploma in the mail from the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology. I've been granted a diploma with honours from the Radio &Television (Radio) program. I'd like to think this is a really great accomplishment. I mean, I suppose it is. But it's not like my program was hard. Okay, I spose it's all relative. I mean, it's not like I learned how to perform brain surgery...or how to engineer the perfect skyscraper. So in that respect, taking radio was a cake walk. 

I suppose now that I think about it, I should be proud. I paid my tuition (well Steady Eddie helped too...that reminds me, I have to start paying his ass back soon - apparently my student loans are thiiiis big), and I showed up to almost every class. Except for those couple times I was sick, or it was too treacherous to make the commute...or that time I made the commute anyway and rolled my car...but regardless, I was more than happy to show up every day. Being in RTA (Radio & Television Arts) really brought me out of my shell. I'll never forget my first week, where I had to dance in front of the entire class while someone else beat boxed. Then Gazzola went after me, and did the exact same moves and got more cheers. What gives?

News had its hard moments too. For whatever reason I failed to grasp the concept of the clip/wrap story with different audio. I'm suprised I even passed news....I know I had a strong read, but that doesn't mean anything if you can't collect your thoughts properly. And let's be honest, I'm a big, fat, epic fail when it comes to interviewing. I never ask the right questions!

And lastly, probably the absolute hardest part of RTA...the part that I still struggle with, even though I'm an alumni with honours, Yoshi Valley on Mario Kart for N64. Those roads are so damn narrow, and everyone else (especially Amy) was so good at that level. It still haunts me to this day.

I need to buy a nice picture frame to display this accomplishment of graduating with honours. Because to the unsuspecting person, I'm gonna seem like a big deal.

  I would also like to say, Neil Patrick Harris did an absolutely AMAZING job hosting the Emmy's last night. I loved the way he handled everything and I nearly died when he did the Dr. Horrible vingette. WOW. So much so, that I'm making my boyfriend, James, watch Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog tonight. Happy 2 Monthaversary Dear.