Wednesday, September 23, 2009

And Now My Ass Hurts

and my biceps...but not from anything fun. Yesterday, I moved. Well...90% of the way anyway. You see I've gotten myself into an apartment with a couple of roommates. This equals cheap rent.  I officially start living there October 1st, but Roommate 1 was kind enough to let me move my shit in early! So James and I moved 2 and a half carloads of crap up 3 flights of stairs, and into the apartment. In 28-degree weather. Booyashaka. Needless to say, I shoulda worn deoderant. Yeah, I admit it. I was sweaty...oh but think of the calories burnt!

Now kids, if you're going to do heavy lifting of any sort - whether it's furniture, equipment, or a fat chick....always remember to stretch!

*SHUDDER* Sorry folks. So yeah, stretching = important. Although I do feel as if I've taken a spin around the gym. Mind you the lit cigarette in my hand makes me think again.

Tonight, I really wanted wanted to play The Sims. I had the time, the energy, and most importantly....the DESIRE. Because let's be real here: When you play The Sims, you play it like it's your job. I have no problem putting away 4 or 5 hours into a round of The Sims. Especially when you're awesome like me, and own THE COMPLETE COLLECTION. That's right. The original game, House Party, Unleashed, Superstar, Vacation, Livin' Large, Hot Date aaaaaaaaaaaand Makin' Magic all wrapped up into one electronic hit of crack. I haven't tried Sims 2 or 3 yet, but I'm so satisfied with the ol'skewl version, that I don't feel there's a need just yet. So yes, with moving into the new place, I took everything except the essentials to get me through this last week. Clearly at the time, The Sims didn't count as an essential like my birth control or Q-tips. So my laptop is across town, and there's not enough time left in my day to fully enjoy a good round. Balls.

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