Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Everything Is Better With a Second Half

Don't bother whining about being single to me. Check that shit at the door. I don't care. I don't feel sorry for you. Heartless? Not at all. I've been there. Wondering when I'd find "the one". Or wondering what was SO wrong with ME, why didn't I have someone blah blah blah whine whine whine....


And I have to say, everything is better with a second half. I had this realization at the bottle depot this morning. I'm quite capable of going to the bottle depot on my own, but just having him there, would have made it more fun! I WISH he liked grocery shopping...because there's nothing I love more than walking up and down the aisles with him. Plus, he's always down for a coffee run or to just go for a drive. Plus, it's wonderful always having that one you can count on. The one you can tell anything to without reserve. If I have a bad day...he knows, and he's ready to try and make it better.

And really, 2 for 1 isn't the same without another half. And you can't exactly make out with yourself in the back row of a movie theatre! Well, you can, buuut it's frowned upon. If you've got that itch you just can't reach, your other half is there to scratch it.

And let's be serious. Regular sex = awesome.

I found a quote a long time ago, and I don't know where it's from...but I've always kept it in the back of my mind since I heard it years ago

"Of what our souls are made of, his and mine are the same"

I feel that it suits my current relationship. We're very much on the same page about everything. Spring is in the air. Love is in the air. And I'm taking a deep breathe.

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